Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Flash: Drive

Test to understand the mechanism of running. I'm trying to use the pencil strokes to evoke the action and feel of the strokes of the the moving muscles. When the sprinter is in full stride he tends to look slow and less dramatic, therefore this study is an effort to capture the drive phase of a sprinter. The drive is almost akin to an explosion of effort, lending itself to wildly elongated limbs and contrasting motions. The blue lines are used to convey the kinetic motion of the the limbs.

Coincidentally when I used to run track in high school the drive phase was my worst part. Mostly because I wasn't even aware of the drive phase. My overall speed was great, but I used to suffer a lot on the starts, consequently having to play catch up for the rest of the race. My races were fun to watch I was told.

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